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Muscle, Nerve & Energy Support*

Sports Nutrition*   

Bone Health Support**  


Joint & Muscle Support**   

Cardio Focus**  

Size 120 Vegetable Capsules

Mag-Plex Ultra

  • Mag-Plex Ultra™ features the highly absorbable magnesium lysinate glycinate chelate and the patented di-magnesium malate from Balchem Corporation, the world leader in patented mineral amino acid chelate and organic mineral acid complex research and development.* NuMedica® has chosen Balchem's Albion™ minerals technology to provide the highest quality minerals for optimal absorption and utilization.*

    Magnesium is involved in over 300 enzyme-related processes including cardiac, muscle and nerve function and the production of ATP for energy.* Magnesium also plays a role in supporting optimal bone density and maintenance of blood glucose levels.*

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